
I’m Joel Reed and I am currently employed as a Systems Engineer at Glynlyon . I’ve worked in IT for nearly 15 years. During which time I have managed a plethora of technology systems, mostly of the Windows variety. In my spare time I’m a licensed amateur radio operator and I enjoy learning how things work, this often involves breaking things. I like to program, I do a little C, mostly in the micro-controller space. I also do a little C# as well. I love comic books, most anything DC is in my blood till the day I die.

I intend Start-Transcript to be my scratch pad in the “cloud” so to speak. Where I can deposit my PowerShell “doodles” and find them again.

I’m on the Twitter, as @J_lR_d, where I follow the goings on for #PowerShell. Ask a question. I love getting a shot to answer a question, it challenges me to ask myself “Do I really know the answer?”. If I don’t know the answer, I get to learn something, and now I do know the answer!